How our 'difference' will help you and those you are responsible for prevent ill-health in the future
Our point of difference
Beyond our specialisation in wellbeing, we continuously demonstrate an unwavering passion and belief in the role that wellbeing plays in modern society. We have an innate ability to spark large-scale change within corporates, community organisations and individuals; becoming a catalyst for companies and individuals to understand their symbiotic relationship between each other and the environment in which they live and work. It is this innate ability that produces extraordinary results, time after time.
Our core purpose
To help corporates, community organisations and individuals be the best that they can by embracing physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional wellbeing.
Our mission statement
Our mission is to provide professional wellbeing services to corporates, community organisations and individuals who fully understands and appreciate their importance. By providing world-class consultation and action planning, LAMBERT is instrumental in improving the quality of life in corporates, community organisations and individuals, therefore ensuring that wellbeing is seen as a routine necessity, not a luxury.
Our brand values
Has confidence, faith and trust
Has complete and wholehearted devotion
Always maintains a state of control
Shows regard and consideration
Holds themselves liable, or answerable
Has a capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding and an aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts and meanings
Promoting similar values
Helping you to believe - give you confidence, faith and trust
Helping you to have complete and wholehearted devotion
Helping you to always maintain a state of control
Helping you to show regard and consideration
Helping you to hold yourself liable, or answerable
Helping you to have a capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding and an aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts and meanings
Our brand promise
Ultimately, we promise to help corporates, community organisations and individuals be the best that they can be through physical, spiritual, mental and emotional fitness.
Value proposition
Beyond our specialisation in organisational wellbeing, we continuously demonstrate an unwavering passion and belief in the role that wellbeing plays in modern society. We have an innate ability to spark large-scale change within corporates, community organisations and individuals; becoming a catalyst for YOU to understand YOUR symbiotic relationship between YOURself and the environment in which you exist.
LAMBERTS aim for you - whether you want to implement a c-wb program in your org/improve your body-image in the gym/lose weight/reduce any aches, pains or discomfort - or just to generally feel better tomorrow than you do today
The aim of LAMBERT and our wellbeing consultants is to raise public awareness of ill-health, and assist business owners, their employees, families and local communities to make healthy lifestyle changes and to:
Draw attention to the rise in ill-health and the risks involved of ‘doing nothing’ - to enable key decision makers to intervene in areas such as;
How to improve nutrition, exercise tolerance and reduce stress - addressing any barriers in these areas….and more!
These aims are appropriate now more than ever, because every one of us is a key decision maker (business owner / community representative / and carers for those you love-friends-family- parents of children for e.g. - and once you become more aware of the...