The sermon delivered at Mount Hope Church in Salisbury, North Carolina, on May 2, 2021, this episode features a duplication of this Luke 24:1-8 passage and content in full, titled: And they Remembered His Words. Discussing the notion of remembering all that Christ has said, have we forgotten His Word? Have we managed to miss the very things He has told us from all of those times walking with Him and living life with Him as disciples and apostles? Indeed, in the ministry of His Gospels, those who did receive Him and the prophecies He spoke of Himself, also neglected to properly retain, and so became reminded at the Tomb, in the Scriptures, and elsewhere. This is our charge: remember and keep Christ Jesus' words, for others shall keep ours on this earth. Others shall remember what we said, and our testimony is not enough. The Incarnate Word, The Logos, He it is Whom we shall recite with faith and boldly confess, remembering every jot and tittle that Our Lord had said by The Spirit and truth of His Being. Let us not grow forgetful when the hour arises for us to be a Church, a Body of Christ, and an individual believer toward the promises and the hopes that The Savior God has rightly revealed.