Career Coaches Sue and Emily discuss why College Seniors – are LESS stressed when they start getting serious about looking for an after-graduation job early.
College seniors claim they are too busy to start worrying about a job early their senior year because:
They have the capstone courses to worry about
They have an internship that takes up a lot of time
There are lots of senior activities they don’t want to miss
It’s their last chance to socialize on a regular basis with their college friends
They are just too stressed out
In our experience, these are mental blocks, rather than actual time constraints. If seniors start career prep early they can utilize all the tools that are there on campus and
Seniors can fit career prep organically into their schedule by:
Networking with guest speakers that come to their classes
Stopping by the career center on their way back to the dorm
Going to the job fair that’s right on campus – with a great resume and ready to engage
Graduate with a job or a clear plan to land one within three months
Starting career prep early and following our coaching program works. We believe this so much that we can guarantee that motivated college seniors who follow our program will have a job within three months of graduation – or your money back.