We start as usual with relaxing the body and scanning for tension. The breath softens, as we work our way through a conflict in a safe manner, being guided by someone we have chosen. You will be asked to bring someone into your mind who inspires you with confidence, compassion and integrity. Your guide will walk beside you in the area of conflict, helping you navigate situations and people that are not easy and alleviate the impulse to run away, fight or freeze. Your guide will offer you two gifts, the first will be a quote, a passage or a single word and second gift will be an object. These gifts are reminders of how we would like to be in every situation we find ourselves in, both good situations and not so good situations. Everyone's gifts will be unique to them and will find you if they do not immediately spring to mind. (Mine came to me after the meditation about a day or so later. The phrase, "love begins with me" rang so true to me, I had it tattooed on my wrist to remind me of how I wish to be and the 2nd gift came to me in a bookshop an almost sprang off the shelf.) Be patient your gifts will reveal themselves to you when you are open. Namaste (the light in me, honor the light in you)