Law & Disorder discusses the sensitive and situational topic, enabling. As a parent, spouse, friend etc., it is a natural human instinct to protect and care for a loved one. Where is the line that crosses into enabling, how is that line determined? Can you live with the possible outcome, even if it is worse case scenario? Listen as we discuss how enabling can hinder an addict from wanting or feeling they need treatment. When opioid or any addiction hits home, it creates a whole new way to care for your loved one that just wants to use. So many feel they are the cause of any consequences of addiction when it comes to a loved one, but surely you have struggled throughout the entire time, to just do the right thing. It's not easy to set your boundaries with your loved one, just as it's nearly impossible to resist human nature to care and protect. Listen and you decide! Please feel free to drop us an email @ [email protected] or leave a voicemail if you have any comments, questions or requests! Thank you for listening and remember... Recovery is Possible!