This podcast focuses on a new law in Brazil that is encouraging investment in Brazilian football. The new allows for clubs, to incorporate and receive investment while maintaining control of its identify. It is an innovative new approach. In this episode we speak to the drafter of law José Francisco Manssur who is a partner at Ambiel, Manssur, Belfiore, Gomes, Hanna Advogados and his colleague Tiago Gomes.
Manssur participated in drafting several laws involving sporting activities, such as recently enacted Law 14,193/2021 which incentivises football clubs, currently incorporated as associations, to convert into corporations.
Francisco was also a Vice-President for communication and marketing of São Paulo Futebol Clube from 2015 to 2017.
He has experience in representing national and foreign clients in administrative and judicial litigation, advising football clubs, federations and leagues in various sports modalities in litigation and consulting, including ticket sales, broadcasting and incorporation of football clubs.
Tiago is also a lawyer at Ambiel, Manssur, Belfiore, Gomes, Hanna Advogados. He has professional experience in various segments of corporate law, helping national and international clients in the areas of mergers & acquisitions, antitrust matters, capital market transactions and infrastructure projects.
With a strong track record on corporate matters, Tiago is often engaged in corporate transactions, including incorporation of clubs and mergers and acquisitions, compliance and governance matters, he also has a special interest in matters involving public policy and sports education.
In this podcast they discuss:
Manssur's involvement in the new Football Corporations Law and why was it introduced
What football clubs will benefit the most new law and why
The political pressures of working in a Brazilian football club
How the new law applies in practice
Considerations for new investors
Financial incentives for clubs
How the new law has been received in Brazil
Advise for lawyers and sports business execs who are trying to push through similar governance reforms but are facing restrictions
The guests also delve into the details of the current governance system of football clubs in Brazil which necessitated this new Football Corporations Law here.
They provide an overview and a summary of the changes that the Football Corporations Law brings and how investors would be impacted by it in their article here.
We thoroughly enjoyed the interview and took a lot away from it. We hope you do the same.
The host is Sean Cottrell (@spcott), founder and CEO of LawInSport.
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