Pavlov's dog, bad advice, wrong experts, and what you can do today to reset your vibration.
Affirmation and Belief Flow-Chart:
You say - “I am successful in whatever I do.” (or whatever affirmation you want to test)
Then you ask your subconscious “do I believe this 100%?”
If no, ask “do I believe this more than 50%
If no, ask “do I believe this more than 25%?”
If no, repeat narrowing down until you get the percentage you
If yes, you’re done!
Once you find what percentage you believe your affirmation (if less than 100%) ask “can I raise my belief in this affirmation?”
If yes, swipe your magnet/fingers 3 times while holding the intention to raise your belief.
If no, ask “Is there a trapped emotion keeping me from believing this affirmation?” - *If there is a trapped emotion follow the flowchart below to release this trapped emotion*
Repeat checking for what percentage you believe your affirmation - Raise until you reach 100%
This comes right out of my heart-wall report book.
Now earlier I mentioned that I'd share something with you that I created for this exact problem.
Here it is.
I created a private coaching group where you can get your questions answered directly, plus get on a live video call with me once a month. You can go here to sign up -->
Private group
One on One coaching
Direct answers to questions
Monthly zoom callIf you're tired of hearing the same 'feel-good' quotes that don't actually teach you anything then get in the group today.
I'm keeping the group small so if you don't get in now there may not be any spots open, once they're gone they're gone.
You can go here to sign up -->
Until next time,