Shyra lives her life as a poetess with an abundance mindset...she is grateful for the abundance in which she grew up in, and also what she enjoys today. Interestingly, she chose to do a business degree from MIT Sloan. So was her financial journey different?
Laxmi & me is a show about our relationship with money. Especially women's whom we call Laxmi. We talk with women from all walks of life, exploring who influenced their relationship with money, how it's evolved and how their money life affects their personal relationships. In previous episodes, we have focused on guests recalling their earliest memories of money being discussed at home. We also hear about their family's financial circumstances. In one episode, we referred to a investor personality quiz.
Note we lay out all episodes as three chapters - past, present and future. In this episode, we mention that actually our relationship with money not only includes deep seated money beliefs from childhood, but also the effects of major financial events from our generation (such as the 2008 financial crash) and the personality quiz again. We will flesh out these aspects further in future episodes and on our website (
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Producer - The Money Hans
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