Welcome to Layers, A Miniature Painting Podcast
In this episode: An update to our review of the Citadel line, including contrast paints! And the second part of our overview of Vallejo paints and products.
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Find me on BoardGameGeek in the Miniature Painters Guild (I'm ScoobyG over there). I frequent /r/minipainting as well.
Links to things mentioned in the show:
Citadel Contrast Paints (Amazon)
Citadel Technical Paints (Amazon)
Citadel Layer (Amazon)
Citadel Base (Amazon)
Citadel Air (Amazon)
Vallejo Model Wash (Amazon - Black - Dark Grey)
Vallejo Pigments (Amazon)
Vallejo Pigment Binder (Amazon)
How to Make Desert Bases - Angel Giraldez (YouTube)
Vallejo Surface Primer - Amazon
Vallejo Mecha Color - Mecha Color Primer on Amazon
Stynylrez Primer on Amazon
Vallejo Glaze Medium (Amazon)
Vallejo Thinner Medium (Amazon)
Vallejo Airbrush Thinner (Amazon)
Vallejo Airbrush Cleaner (Amazon)
Vallejo Plastic Putty (Amazon)
Vallejo Varnishes on Amazon
Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver (Amazon)
Vallejo Crackle Medium (Amazon)
Vallejo Diorama Effects (Brown Earth Texture on Amazon)
Vallejo Scenery
Gamers Grass (Amazon)
Vallejo Scenic Accessories
Vallejo Hobby Tools
Vallejo Books and Publications
The track Skyline (Original Mix) is used with permission of its composer Martin Peter. Thank you Martin!