James Bryant and Kieran Johnson speak with CEO and Executive Coach, Suzzanne Laidlaw.
With a vast amount of business experience as a business owner, now as a business coach, Suzzanne finds purpose in helping people create a better life for themselves. But it is not her business acumen which brings the greatest value.
A house fire, a severely injured husband, a new baby, a new business, a terminal illness and financial collapse. She has experienced it all and then some, but has used it to create a deliberate future.
Book Recommendations from Suzzanne:
Don't Look Back - David Bussau - https://www.amazon.com.au/Dont-Look-Back-abandoned-champion/dp/1741143950
Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek - https://www.amazon.com.au/Leaders-Eat-Last-Together-Others-ebook/dp/B00DGZKQM8
Suzzanne's Book - What's Your Plan - https://www.whatsyourplanbook.com.au/
Suzzanne's Website - www.suzzannelaidlaw.com.au