This week Chester picks the brain of Mealfit entrepreneur Thomas Cox. They talk business and bartering, leadership, lifestyle, priorities, and more. Thomas tells his story in his own unique direct way and he doesn't mince words. He spares nothing with his frank advice for leaders or anyone ready to take their passion to the next level. And while he believes owning your destiny whether it's in business or in wellness is not for the lazy, Thomas is clear that anybody willing to put in the time, can do it. Lots more tips, insight, and tough love from Thomas Cox on this episode of The Leaderbyte. Don't let the tough love fool you, Thomas Cox cares about people, and wants them to be successful, healthy, and happy. It's true or Mealfit wouldn't be nearly as successful! Oh, and Thomas was into Crossfit before Crossfit was cool. For tough tips to success and motivation to start pursuing your passion today--- click play, then share with a friend.
Thomas Cox is a former college football coach turned nutrition entrepreneur. He is a husband, father, mentor and life changer.
As an entrepreneur, Thomas has grown a very successful online, retail and catering business through his holistic grassroots approach. He has seen profits double in every year of business through his knowledge of marketing and customer service.