What if... everyone was a leader? What if leadership could help all of us become better parents, friends, and family members?
Scott & Tony talk Live, about how EVERYONE IS A LEADER, and how that critical it is that we all accept responsibility to grow in leadership skills and help ourselves, our loved ones, and all who are impacted by our lives.
Produced by Elf & Hound: Marketing & Consulting
with the cooperation of both HumbleStrong.org and Advance Leadership Coaching.
website link: http://leader.fm
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXrvyqzlDuvzfEufDLK5X3QLVBUnhteZW
soundcloud link (audio): https://soundcloud.com/leader-fm-podcast
Podcast subscribe link in iTunes/Sticher/Etc: http://leader.fm/subscribe/