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By Timothy Dailey
99 ratings
The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.
In this episode, Bishop Tim Dailey interviews Pastors Aaron Dailey and Wayne Wynter on the blessings and challenges of co-leading an intercity church. These two men share the role of Lead Pastor of Redemption Church Alhambra in Phoenix, Arizona. They come from different ethnic backgrounds, social economic backgrounds, and religious upbringing. They are an unlikely pair that are committed to living out the truth of the Gospel in a world where there is so much tension, uneasiness, and all sorts of issues that are dividing our communities. Aaron and Wayne are committed to loving and living the truth of God's Word in a very missional way. You will be incredibly blessed, encouraged, and challenged by what these men have to share.
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LCMI and Journey Coffee have partnered together to plant churches around the globe. Find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more! Click on the following link to find out how:
In this first episode of season 2, Bishop Tim Dailey looks at Mark 4:35-41 and draws some practical lessons from a sudden storm that catches Christ's disciples completely off guard. We learn from this study how God is never surprised by our sudden storms, and that He is truly a Sovereign God that we can trust in all of life's circumstances, challenges, and devastating experiences that we seek to negotiate our way through in these days.
There is great encouragement in this episode for all leaders. Don't lose heart! Do not fear! Take courage! God is with you, and He is still on the throne. When the "sudden" invades our lives, the Sovereign Savior is wanting us to look at Him. Sudden storms serve to turn us to Jesus. We can be so caught up in everything else in life that God is pushed aside. This doesn't happen quickly, but gradually the joy of knowing and serving Him evaporates. Then suddenly the storm hits! Before the storm, we had forgotten what God looks like, and now in the storm we turn to see Him again. Listen and learn valuable lessons to help you better navigate the sudden storms of life.
LCMI and Journey Coffee have partnered together to plant churches around the globe. Find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more! Click on the following link to find out how:
I am honored to have with me Dr. John DelHousaye. He is a professor at Phoenix Seminary, and an author and contributing author of several books and theological journals. Dr. John is an elder at Redemption Church Alhambra in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a husband and the father of three great kids. Most of all, I am blessed to call John my friend. He has touched my life in a significant way, and his teaching has deeply impacted me. I know that you will be blessed and encouraged by what he has to share.
LCMI and Journey Coffee have partnered together to plant churches around the globe. Find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more! Click on the following link to find out more: or Journey Coffee.
Bishop Tim Dailey is interviewing Pastor Jeremy White, the lead pastor of Valley Church in Vacaville, California. He is a respected leader, author, and pastor. You will be blessed and encouraged by his personal story, his insights on pastoral transitioning, his passion for the message of grace, and his encouragement for young pastors and leaders.
LCMI and Journey Coffee have partnered together to plant churches around the globe. Find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more! Click on the following link to find out more: or Journey Coffee.
This is the first of a two-part episode with Pastor Isaac Dailey. Isaac is Bishop Tim's fourth of his six sons. Isaac is the Family Ministries pastor at Valley Church, Vacaville, California. He is responsible for leading a large team of people that regularly serve children, youth, college, and young families. He has been pastoring children and youth for the last 14 years. He has much insight to share on raising up committed leadership for ministries that require large numbers of volunteer workers. In part 2 of our interview, he will address a much-needed ministry to families of special needs kids.
Important Information
LCMI and Journey Coffee are partnering together to plant churches around the globe. Listen and find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more! Click on the following link to find out more:
“The Coffee Culture and the Gospel”
How the Church Can Better Serve Its Community and the World
In this episode of “Leadership Stuff,” I am interviewing Mr. Morne Van Staden the founder and owner of Journey Coffee. Journey is a premier specialty coffee roaster and café that is located in both Vacaville and Fairfield California. Morne is a Christian businessman who has a heart for the broken and hurting in his community, and throughout the world. He is using what God has given him to demonstrate the Gospel to the local community and to impact his local church. Morne has some great leadership insight to offer each of us, his words will challenge us as church leaders on how to better serve the men and women in our congregations, and he will help us better relate to the business owners in our churches.
There is an important announcement in this podcast.
LCMI and Journey Coffee are partnering together to plant churches around the globe. Listen and find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more!
Click the on the following link to find out more
Discipleship (Part 1)
Obeying the Great Commission
This episode of “Leadership Stuff”is part one of a two-part conversation with Pastor Allan Dytianquin. Pastor Allan is the Senior Pastor and cofounder of Life Connection Church Kuwait, and he is the Vice President of Life Connection Ministry International. Bishop Tim Dailey and Pastor Allan Dytianquin have served side-by-side for the last thirteen years. They have been used by God to build a large multi congregational church in Kuwait, Philippians, India, Africa, Europe, and other parts of the world. They have also established a growing network of Churches united around the same vision and strategy for advancing God’s Kingdom.
They will be discussing the subject of discipleship. This is the heart and the foundation of their ministry. In episode one they will look at “What is a Disciple?”, and “How do You Make a Disciple?” In episode two they will be examining “The Cost of Discipleship,”and “How to Be a Fruitful Disciple.”
Featured Links:
Life Connection Church Kuwait
This episode is brought to you by LCMI and Journey Coffee!
Partnering together to touch the world with the Good News of the Gospel.
Together we can do more!
The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.