There is a growing concern about the decline of employee loyalty – which can greatly impact productivity and innovation, which then contributes to a vicious cycle of continual decline. A positive company culture is critical in minimizing employee turnover. And, your leadership - the way you lead, interact with others, and make decisions – is critical to creating a positive company culture.
Companies, as well as non-profits and public employers, all want to do better. But, to create a great culture where employees want to stay is more than just one silver bullet that will work for everyone. Different people will decide to stay with a company for different reasons, so your plan for retaining employees should be diverse. Seek to understand the needs of different age groups and create strategies for each generation.
How can the workplace be made more attractive and fulfilling, especially to young, talented employees who have so much energy to offer?
That’s why we’re so lucky to be speaking with Robin Litster Johnson today, whose core passion is helping organizations create workplaces where people want to stay, be creating businesses that are more "Humane, Ethical, and Resilient."
After all, we spend most of our lives at work. Is it too much to ask to have workplaces that are "humane, ethical, resilient"? I don’t think so. And, Robin has principles and practices, tools and strategies that organizations can employ to create this kind of positive culture for any company or organization!
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