Certainty and Uncertainty are the yin and yang of life’s journey.
For the most part we navigate though the unknown door of uncertainty without much fretting, because we humans are the masters of problem solving. Yes, we are! Go ahead give yourself a pat on the back! For goodness sakes, you found this podcast on leading chaos - and I know for certain that isn't easy. :)
Life though has an uncanny way of throwing us off course. Natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and accidents, be it household, car or slipping on icy steps and throwing out our back, can throw us in a tail spin and rain uncertainty down upon us like a hailstorm in July.
In this episode, we revisit the Response Protocol and how it helps us manage moments of uncertainty.
And, we learn a little bit about what is going on in our brain that makes us lean towards the irrational.
To top it off we look at the difference between asking
“What can I do?”
“What if?”
The more we understand what happens when we are faced with uncertainty, the more likely we will be successful in “getting to certain”.
And for those who work in the therapeutic milieu consider brainstorm with your team on what your site offers in terms of “Certainty” for a client in need vs “Uncertainty”
- Role play conversations with a person in crisis that brings them from uncertainty to certainty.
Not sure how to do this? Contact [email protected] and set up a consult or training today and begin practicing “Getting to Certain” before Uncertainty creeps in the back door and begins the cycle of chaos.
Ria Windcaller is the Rounder and CEO of Response Training Programs LLC. She is the author of Leading Chaos; An Essential Guide to Conflict Management.
The Response Protocol is not only useful for "getting to certain" it provides an emotional first aid model for First Responders, educators, and anyone wishing to be prepared to lead chaos rather than have it lead you.
Be safe!