Join G and Sarah on an honest discussion of her approach to environmental activism, one that doesn't use shame nor negativity gain behaviour change.
Sarah is a Digital Marketer, Environmental Activist and founder of Plastic Free Southeast Asia from Adelaide, South Australia. She has worked in Siem Reap, Cambodia (and all over Southeast Asia) and now lives in Sydney, Australia, where her work is cut out for her!
She’s been involved in many community initiatives from inspiring the people of Cambodia to reduce their plastic use to working with tourism businesses to have a triple-impact of staff, suppliers and guests changing the way they operate to take better care of the local environment and through her company Plastic Free Southeast Asia, has reached over 15,000 people in person with this important work.
Her vision is a cleaner and healthier world where environmental care is naturally our first thought.
Contact her for more information on her work below:
Instagram: Plastic Free with Sarah (@plasticfreeseaa)
Website: Plastic Free Southeast Asia
Facebook: Plastic Free SEA | Facebook