Setbacks happen to all of us, every day. Whether it’s something specific and personal to you, such as a death in the family or not getting the loan you needed to start your business, or something that affects more people, such as a local election or a global pandemic, it seems we are constantly battling to continue forward on our goals.
Life is full of unpredictability. You might be wondering, how do I keep going amidst constant turmoil?
In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to focus on what you can control while keeping your goals and vision at the forefront, how to identify your values, and a big list of resources to help you keep going after your goals—even when setbacks arise.
In this episode, you’ll learn...
[07:22] Remembering what you can control, how concerns influence your choices, and taking action within the scope of your control
[11:46] How keeping your vision front and center can help you stay on track during challenging times
[16:00] How to stay focused on what keeps you growing and moving forward (instead of what makes you anxious and unproductive) and how to identify your values
[18:21] How to take practical steps toward building your inner resilience, including a list of helpful resources
If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.
Get full show notes and the episode transcript:
Links mentioned in this episode…
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Apartment Therapy
Instructions for how to articulate your vision (inside the blog post “Should You Make a Big Career or Life Change During Moments of Uncertainty?”)
The Antiracist Business Book by Trudi Lebrón
Leap Like Me, episode 34: How to Become an Expert at Managing Your Energy
Hardwiring Happiness by Dr. Rick Hanson
Anchored by Deb Dana
Episode 35 with Elissa Weinzimmer
Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff
Atomic Habits by James Clear
WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink
Mating in Captivity by Dr. Esther Perel
Dr. Alexandra Solomon
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
Follow Priya Parker on Instagram
We Should Get Together by Kat Vellos
Platonic by Dr. Marisa Franco