What is fluency?
What is accuracy? What is precision?
How do you become fluent?
Do you need to become fluent?
Who cares if you are fluent or not?
If academics knew the answer to this question, don’t you think they would have already solved the problem of teaching people to speak English fluently? English learners would cease making mistakes and no one would ever have to point and mime and gesticulate to get their point across. But no. Academics and grammarians and linguists have not answered that question. In fact, NO ONE has been able to come up with a good, working definition for what fluency actually is.
In this episode of “Learn English with Josh”, we will discuss what the consensus is surrounding “fluency”, how people try to attain fluency, and what fluency means to English learners on an individual level. And Josh will give you his own personal opinions about fluency, both as a native English speaker, and as someone who has spent the last two decades of his life trying to locate the “holy grail” of second-language learning: fluency.
Enjoy the podcast!
E não esqueça: “To err is human. Embromar é brasileiro!”
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