I am Poseidon, and I have come here from the briny depths of the Aegean, where choruses of Nereids turn their footsteps in graceful rounds. Ever since Phoebus and I put stone fortifications about this land of Troy with straight mason’s rule, good will toward the city of the Phrygians has never left my heart. Now the city is sacked and destroyed by the Argive spear. Epeius, the Phocian built a horse pregnant with weapons by the devising of Pallas Athena and sent inside the walls this image meant for ruin. Therefore men shall call it Wooden Horse because it hid spears within its belly. The sacred groves are stripped dripping blood. Athena appears and asks to be heard. May I put aside my earlier enmity? I want to bring joy to my former enemies, the Trojans and to give the Greek army a journey home they will not like. Are you aware that my altars have been treated with contempt? I want to give them a grim voyage home. When they’re sailing home from Ilium. Zeus for his part will send rain and hail and dark storm winds. He promises to give me the lightning bolt to strike the Greeks and set their ships on fire. As for you, Poseidon, make the Aegean swell with high waves so that henceforth they may learn to reverence my temples and show honour to the other gods as well.