Qualified - Lessons in Loss

Learning to see myself through His eyes

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Born with a severe cleft palate, Sue faced ridicule and harassment on daily basis due to the way she looked.  In addition to having to endure multiple surgeries and physical pain, she would also be traumatized by her parent's divorce and an abusive encounter in college that resulted in rape.

Today, Sue Corl is an international women’s conference speaker, author, mentor, Bible teacher, missionary, founder and Executive Director of Crown of Beauty International, and His Heartbeat Podcast host. Her greatest joy is being a wife and mother of two adult children.

She has a passion to see women set free to live in the powerful truths of who they are in Christ and the love of God. She served as a missionary for twenty-five years in Asia. Currently, she travels to minister to women throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the U.S. She has a Master’s of Education from the University of Hawaii and a Master’s of Christian Counseling from Philadelphia Biblical University. She is the author of several books including Crown of Beauty Twelve Week Bible Study, For Such a Time as This, and Broken but Undefeated.

Listen in to this incredible story of perseverance and strength as one woman discovers how to stop believing the lies about beauty and realize how she is seen in the eyes of God.

Website: https://www.crownofbeautyinternational.com
Podcast Link: https://www.crownofbeautyinternational.com/podcast

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Sue+Corl&i=stripbooks&crid=MJ4LB7W50FDC&sprefix=sue+corl%2Cstripbooks%2C89&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

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Qualified - Lessons in LossBy Michelle Heaton

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