Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- one of the most diagnosed disorders amongst children of school going age.
But what is it really?
Does your child attempt to play with their LEGO and instantly give up on them?
Are they hyperactive? Constantly on the go.
Do they talk about one thing and then the next in a seemingly coherent manner but the two topics don’t relate?
Has your child’s teacher complained about them not being able to finish tasks?
Daydreaming during lessons and having a blank stare? Making avoidable mistakes?
Is your child absentminded at home and forgetful of tasks that he/she has to do daily?
Do they often put on their pants or vest incorrectly because they’re in a rush to nowhere?
Do they sometimes do/say the wrong thing and are quick to say, “oh, I knew that!”, when the error is highlighted?
ADHD can also manifest as extremely sensitive emotional reaction to otherwise not serious situations.
Does your child come across as highly excitable and impulsive- not thinking through what their next move is or how a situation can end?
Well these are all signs of ADHD.
Some children will struggle so much that they cannot fall asleep at night. Because they are on the go constantly, they can be very articulate and expressive orally but struggle with things such as handwriting because such tasks require them to slow down and do things systematically.
ADHD can manifest in difference ways and no amount of “calm down” will remedy the situation. But there are things you can do to help your child.