The doomsday clock should probably be pushed up now. India and Pakistan have been shooting at each other a bit over India controlled Kashmir which has existed under an agreement of certain autonomy for a long time but was recently placed under a media blackout, the internet in Indian Kashmir has been shut off, its marshal law down there, India's forces are installing Hindu nationalist leadership in local governments and arresting or beating Kashmiri socialists, nationalists, and especially Muslims. This in the context of Narendra Modi winning reelection in India, an actual genocidist, who infamously presided over a weeks long grisly mob run massacre of at least 1000 Muslims in the state where he was basically the governor in 2002. Despite being known in India as "basically Hitler" he campaigned on bringing indoor plumbing to everyone and offered red meat to his Hindu Nationalist base with genocidal rhetoric...
Last week Pakistan and India, nuclear armed states with no "only if they launch first" clause in their terms of engagement, traded cross border shelling resulting in 9 deaths. They disagree on who started it but it may be in retaliation of a suicide bomber injuring troops in Kashmir oppressed India, which appears to be about to experience a process of De-Islamification by the Gates Foundation prize winner (thanks Billionair Philanthropy, very cool, but what restraint can you expect from a 'charity' run by known Epstein associate and Lolita Express enjoyer Bill Gates).
Modi is part of a global rise in fascism that is itself proof of the failure of liberalism. Liberalism seeks to protect capitalism from itself but will never threaten capitalism itself, only seek moderating reforms in the face of conservative elements who prefer the fascism that capitalism always struggles to become. Liberal reforms leave a hierarchical structure of capitalists with overwhelming power in a system that prioritizes profit seeking and rewards wealth for its own sake. Capitalist institutions will find profit in cutting workers and safety, in imperialism, war, and suffering. Liberals, already striving to protect capitalism, are often rewarded for their soft hand and pleasant reforms that give the impression they are "trying" and may bring material benefit to some but never challenge the wealthiest at the top.
Mirroring the rest of the world, severe inequalities persist in India after 60 years of liberalism such that Modi was able to run and win 2 elections by promising indoor plumbing for everyone. This should be a lesson. Liberalism coddles fascistic elements, it does not seriously address inequity, it accepts deals and bribes in exchange for holding back from addressing miscarriages of justice and resists restorative justice, and it conveniently leaves a door open for conservatives who claim to have the solutions that liberalism does not and offers those solutions in the venerated framework of capitalism which liberals consistently frame as "good" and "the only way". It does this locally and globally. Instead of the calls of socialism that an injustice to one is an injustice to all, human rights are only used as an imperialist cudgel when convenient, which is a time that never comes among business partners.
So it is no surprise at all when Trump is able to take power in the US, or Bolsonaro in Brazil, Sisi in Egypt, Duterte in the Phillipines, Modi in India, Erdoğan in Turkey, and so on. This is not just a global rise in fascism but the result of global capitalism as we approach stressors of the system in climate collapse and few to no new places from which to extract more profit. Late stage capitalism, it is predicted and we are seeing, eats itself. Only socialism predicts, explains, and can defeat fascism, is dedicated to global solidarity and humanity as a means and an ends.