When Jesus came, here to Earth, he revealed the Father’s heart by confirming attributes already revealed in the past (history we find in the Old Testament) and He revealed to us even further the heart of the Father!
One of the things that Jesus did during his ministry on Earth was revealing EVEN MORE of the fathers heart. Throughout the old testament the people of Israel (and even foreigners who chose to follow God) were getting to know the Father’s heart. Each chapter, every year that passed, through every trial and triumph throughout Istaelite history, God continued to call His people closer to himself! To know him and enjoy living in his presence! To enjoy the very fellowship of God himself! How awesome is that!!
One thing that stands out to me about our incredible Father that Jesus revealed in a deeper way is how God invites EVERYONE in! And I mean everyone!
Jesus is the best! He invited everyone in! The outcasts, the sinners, the righteous, the liars, cheats, the proud, the weirdos, the sick, the young, the old, the foreigner...I could go on!
What am I talking about when I say he invited them in? He welcomed others to have direct access to Him. He listened to their stories, he gave them a seat at the table, and he invited them into the family. Amen!!
Jesus invited the disciples and many others to follow him. Now I’m not saying to go around to people and say “Hey! Come follow me!” That would get weird fast! But when we invite people in to our community we are giving them an invitation into our life!
Jesus says when we get to heaven the King will say “ For when I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink..” The righteous will answer when did we see you a stranger, or naked, sick, or in prison? Then the king will say “ Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did to me”
One version says “Truly I say that whatever you did for the overlooked or the ignored you have done to me.”
The overlooked and ignored. Those words really stood out to me this week.
This ties in perfectly to Pastor Brant’s current series “God loves Denver”
Jesus was moved with compassion for the people around him! Are we moved by that same compassion for the people around us like Jesus?
Ask yourself, who can I invite in? I want to specifically apply this to the growth groups here.
Is there someone new you haven’t met at church (maybe who doesn’t attend the same service you do?) Is there someone in your workplace that you could invite in to your group? A family member who doesn’t have much community?
A lone ranger can learn a lot through self study. But when faced with a trial, their isolation guarantees that the only thing they’ll know is what they already know. As for wise council, a timely word, a warm hug, or a swift kick in the rear, those are rather hard to self administer. If we don’t have these relationships in place it's usually pretty hard to pull them together before a crisis hits full force!
God created us to live in community!
I’m not saying that everyone you invite in needs to be your best friend! (Jesus has his closest 3 BFFS but was still constantly inviting others in) We invite others into our community and allow the body of Christ to become their family!
This can transform communities! It can even transform your workplace! We want to reflect Jesus and the Father’s heart by having a reputation of a people who are always welcoming, always inviting anyone in! No matter who they are - all are welcome and all have a place!
This next week pray that the Lord would open your eyes to those who have been overlooked and send them an invitation!