Welcome to this, the third legal action group podcast. We're thrilled to introduce you to what promises to be a fascinating discussion between our guests. They will be talking about their vital work and also about two new LAG training courses coming up in the autumn. Our guests are Professor Lesley Thomas, QC of Gresham College and also Garden Court Chambers, Deborah Coles of Inquest and leading the questions and discussion is Fiona Bawdon. None of our guests really need introductions, such is the wide ranging influence of their work, but Leslie is a barrister and leading expert in crimes against the police, public authorities bodies, as well as the inquest and public enquiries work. In addition, he finds time to be Professor of Law at Gresham College and is in the midst of his brilliant lecture series. Deborah is executive director of Inquest. Deborah's work encompasses legal casework in cases of deaths in custody and other detention settings and other cases concerning state and or corporate accountability. It also includes campaigning, media activity, as well as remarkable work to support and work alongside family members of those whose lives are taken by the state. Fiona Bawden is a journalist, campaigner, and founder of the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards and seems to play a vital role in every Access to Justice initiative going. If you want to do work to change things around access to justice and basically you need to have Fiona onboard.