In the aftermath of unthinkable loss, shock, uncertainty, and anger set in. Few understand this more than nationally recognized lawyer Kyle Bachus. Kyle gained first-hand knowledge of his clients’ experiences when his own mother was struck and killed in a crosswalk. Now, in Unthinkable, Kyle provides a practical roadmap for navigating a path that no one chooses. He takes you through the process in chronological order, from what to expect in the police investigation to your rights as a victim and claiming victim’s compensation. You’ll gain the tools you need to handle numerous issues and unforeseen questions in the aftermath of tragedy, including insight into your options for holding those at fault accountable through the civil justice system. An invaluable asset for anyone struggling with next steps (or knows someone who is), Unthinkable is the guidance you need to control what you can, gain peace of mind, and focus on what truly counts.