(Episode 8: Jim Drengwitz the prestigious Pontiac Holiday Tournament)
In this episode we meet Jim Drengwitz, who for years has been the director the oldest Holidayhigh school basketball tournament in the state of Illinois. What it takes to run such a successfultournament and attract such high level talent is an excellent lesson to pay attention to. Pontiacis considered by many as the “crown jewel” of high school tournaments and we will look at theteams, players, coaches, and volunteers who have helped make it so.
In the first part Jim talks about the history of Pontiac. We find out the tournament’s origin and itsdevelopment over the years. He then goes on to tell us some of the secrets to putting on suchan affair. Not surprising to our listeners, culture and relationships are two of the mainconcepts. Jim even draws on the reality show “Bar Rescue” to underline some points. (On aside note and shameless plug, that reference tied in nicely with the first chapter of my new bookon Amazon, The Turnaround Coach. OK, now I’m done!) He puts an emphasis onconnectivity as well, making sure to speak to as many people as possible, no matter how badlythe day was going.
In the middle segment we discuss the top teams, players, and coaches of the tournament.Derrick Rose (NBA), the Douglas brothers, Jabari Parker (NBA), Cliff Alexander, theManual entourage, Michael Payne, Walter Downing, Iman Shumpert (NBA)…and on andon, are some of the payers discussed. Top teams such as Chicago Simeon and Curie, WestAurora, Benet, etc. are also focused on. Finally the coaches, including greats such as BobHambric , Gordie Kerkman, Bob Basarich, and Wayne McClain, and some newer guys likeGene Heidkamp and Robert Smith, get the once over.
The last section looks at the lessons learned by Jim from the years of association with all of thepeople involved with this great undertaking. We discuss what makes some of the teams sosuccessful and it all then comes back around to culture and relationships. Simple truths thatare sometimes overlooked in our effort to find complicated solutions for everything today. Wealso get his surprise players who went on to big things from the Pontiac experience. So sit backand grab a listen…and maybe use it to whet your appetite for seeing some good basketball thisyear.
Thanks to Audio Out Studios (Peru, IL) (www.audioout.org)
GUESTS: Jim DrengwitzHOSTED BY: Scott OlsonCONTACT: [email protected] or [email protected]