With a provocative title like this, this episode shows how important it is for leaders to be able to deal with criticism and opposition. Both opposition and criticism are part of the reality of leadership – they come with the territory. How should leaders deal with them? Fusi shares four things that leaders should do to effectively deal with opposition and criticism.
He shares how leaders must have inner strength and conviction about what they want to do, because they must be able to remain undeterred by criticism and opposition. Not all criticism is negative, and some are actually constructive so leaders must be able to take criticism in perspective.
The episode emphasises the importance of humility in listening to feedback from others – including that which comes from down the organisational ladder. Leaders are also advised to turn their critics and opposers into allies. The necessity for leaders to ensure they create environments in which people are able to speak truthfully so they can hear what needs to be heard to achieve the organisation’s goal or purpose is also stressed.
The regular Leadership in Action section reinforces the lessons in the episode. Overall, this episode will help build every leader’s arsenal in effectively dealing with criticism and opposition.
Lessons in Leadership Podcast will be on break for the month of July, but we will return God willing, in August. When we return, our schedule will be twice a month (on the first and third Thursday of the month) and no longer every week.
Thank you.
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