A piece on cinema, told through the written pages of yesteryear from my father's journal, and my own words, as I reflect on the impact cinema's had in my own life.
I do not own the rights to these tracks. Below are the credited artists and links to their beats!
Intro Track : Club SEGA (Prod. Son Peso) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j0zagVn9dw
First Track : Night on the Docks - Sax (Prod. Kevin MacLeod) : https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=iYOvAO1rAM0&q=https%3A%2F%2Fincompetech.com%2F&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVFyUkVPcDlJS2NTTElCQVJpSEpCN01LVUhnUXxBQ3Jtc0tscnliWS02c0Y3Y0diSnNsQUNQZGRQdGsteVZueE40MEY4cVB6aE10eVdIV1NCS2t4SzV0RGdkVXBfTUlVQUxYS3VBLThmREt0VWVGclhSNFk5eGFUYlBMTmh3b2JxdnBQaXRfZHI3N0d6NzFIRHg5NA%3D%3D
Second Track : Focus (Prod. Phloycalyst, and M e a d o w) : https://open.spotify.com/track/5g3lpA0rVxdt4EtNwJQBQw?si=uxkcC_YtSDOap9dGR-uY6Q
Third Track : Phantom of the Roses (Prod. BKNAPP) : https://open.spotify.com/track/3fc0l2fGmNxrJ6cfsRL2mC?si=M0DB19GRTHmzCVJiwi_HZw
Please share and subscribe! This podcast is streaming on various platforms that you can find from this link: https://wavve.link/hmxGY3Uva/episodes