When you think about your progress so far trying to have a baby, there are a lot of setbacks. It starts when you first realise that things are not working as you had planned. Having a baby is supposed to be the most natural thing in the world, until it isn’t!
The months of disappointment soon become years for some women and at some point, the whole process becomes a blur of let downs, setbacks and bad news.
Each time your period arrives, it is another reminder of your body’s rebellion against you. Every pregnancy test stick with that one line instead of two, is another failure.
So, what can you do to build up your ‘Fertility Resilience’ muscle?
And do you think you are doing everything that you can possibly do to get your mindset sorted?
If you would like to connect with me for a free chat, use the link below to book a time -
Also you can grab your Natural Conception or Embryo Transfer Meditations here -