Coronavirus/Covid 19 has come and shifted every aspect of our lives and the lives of those around us. On March 24th many US states being to put a stay at home order into place which forced us all to stay inside. Businesses shut down, people begin losing their jobs and schools closed for the entire school year. I got together with a few of my mom friends and did a live podcast episode on how things had begin changing in our lives.
Over a month later and I truly believe this episode is still relevant. We are still getting adjusted and trying to figure out what’s next in the world. I want you guys to know you are not alone and we are all in this together. I pray this episode encourages you and help you get through these tough times.
Chamar Latanja is an author, speaker, Transformation Coach, and full time entrepreneur. She is the Editor in Chief of the She Wins Society blog, as well as a choice coach for the She Wins Society Coaches Council. She has had an essay published, titled "A Letter to My Young Sisters" as well as a #1 new seller e-book called "The Seven Day Slay!" on Amazon and other platforms. Her recent book, The Thirty Day Slay! Was published on October 31, 2017 and is now an international book, selling in the United States, South Africa and the UK. She was featured as one of “10 Winning Women” for Women By Choice Global, along with a full page article as a Winning Woman for Women By Choice.
All products can be found at
Jaye Wilson is a Mom, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Social Activist, Maternal Advocate and Self-sufficiency Coach. In her professional career as a Community Health Nurse, she saw the importance of how community engagement created better physical, emotional and mental health outcomes for its people. Through her own personal transitions from marriage to divorce, she redefined single motherhood by creating a community of support that changed the narrative of motherhood, sisterhood and womanhood through her women-empowerment organization, Melinated Moms.
Nicole Lawson is a Courageous, Magnetic and Soul Inspiring Multimedia Artist and Mompreneur.
Ms. Lawson delivers her soulty soprano style and shares herself with total abandon each time she approaches her platform as a singer, actor, speaker or published author. She uses her lessons in life, love, and faith as evidence that you have the power to script your own life.
Nicole Lawson is available for booking via Tabb Models & Talent. She can be found everywhere on social media at: @Nicolygram For more information please visit the official website:
Natalie turned her mess into her powerful message of victory as she bounced back from heartache and shame. Her passion is to help women recognize the queen within and become the best version of themselves that they can be. Natalie has overcome many obstacles in her life and now she is helping women do the same. Natalie is CEO of Release The Queen In You Enterprises, LLC where she encourages, empowers and equips queens to break free from their past so they can move forward to get their breakthrough.
Natalie published her first book titled Release The Queen In You in 2015. The second book she co-authored with thirteen other amazing authors W.O.M.B Sisters Chronicles Volume 1 the following year made her a #1 Amazon Best Selling Author. Her new book Broken No More Will be released in 2020. Natalie has traveled internationally as a motivational speaker empowering Queens to be the best version of themselves. Natalie is also the founder of Wonderfully Made Girls where she group mentors young girls in 5th-8th grade. She helps them to learn to love themselves just as they are. Natalie is a wonderful speaker, coach, and mentor. Natalie's overall goal is to continue to travel the world sharing her message of faith, hope, and love. For more information about Natalie visit her website at