Ella Pravetz is the President of Media & Branding at Misfits Gaming Group. Her role with Misfits expanded from Creative Director to her current position as the company expanded in the last few years.
Under the Misfits umbrella, Ella oversees Media and Branding for the Misfits League of Legends Team, the Florida Mayhem Overwatch League roster, the team that competes for the Florida Mutineers in the Call of Duty League, and a handful of other competitive gamers and content creators that make up this Top 10 global esports organization.
With a background in creative and performing arts, Pravetz found her way into the
gaming industry by joining Fnatic in Berlin, Germany as a content creator. We
discussed her path to Misfits and the challenges she faced along the way.
Toward the end of our conversation, Pravetz shared information about the status of
Misfits’ new headquarters in Boca Raton, FL. She also updated me on their events and
plans amidst the pandemic.
The Ultimate Gamer Podcast: All About The Game! is a show that features conversations with trailblazers, thought leaders, risk takers, decision makers, celebrities, athletes, and investors who are defining the esports space.
This podcast is for you if you love gaming, you’re a part of the esports community, you’re interested in learning more about the esports business, you want to improve your gaming performance, or you’re an aspiring professional gamer.
We’re going to decode who and what’s making news in the industry while we explore the habits, best practices, successes, and setbacks faced by our guests.