This episode explores how to optimize mobile game performance in Unity, focusing on techniques to achieve smooth gameplay and stunning graphics across a wide range of devices.
This episode will cover important considerations like profiling with both Unity's built-in tools, like the Memory Profiler and the Profile Analyzer, and platform-specific tools, such as Xcode Instruments for iOS, and Android Studio or ARM Mobile Studio for Android.
Listeners will learn how to use the Unity Profiler to identify performance bottlenecks in their games. This includes learning how to interpret common markers like Gfx.WaitForCommands and Gfx.WaitForPresent to understand CPU and GPU bottlenecks.
This episode will also discuss managing memory usage and reducing the impact of garbage collection. Key techniques covered include object pooling, minimizing string operations, and using the incremental garbage collector.
The episode will cover advanced rendering techniques, such as draw call batching, and how to optimize for the GPU. Listeners will learn about different batching methods including SRP Batching, GPU Instancing, and Static Batching, as well as the importance of minimizing state changes between draw calls.
This episode will also touch upon asset optimization, UI optimization, and audio optimization. This includes optimizing texture and mesh import settings, using techniques like Level of Detail (LOD) and Occlusion Culling, and choosing appropriate audio compression formats.
The episode will introduce listeners to Unity's Adaptive Performance feature, which allows for dynamic adjustment of game settings based on device thermal trends.
Listeners will learn how to use this feature to prevent thermal throttling and deliver a smoother player experience, particularly on Samsung Galaxy devices.
The episode will also examine the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) and how it can be leveraged for performance enhancements.This episode aims to provide listeners with a comprehensive understanding of mobile game optimization techniques in Unity, empowering them to create high-performing and visually impressive games for a global audience.