We hope you will be impacted by the content that we share with you all. On our channel, we will give you a glimpse of what matters most to us from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, enjoying family, having a family based business, and last but not least establishing relationships while impacting the lives of others! Well, we hope you enjoy tagging along with us; much love!
Jneal information : http://jnealmusik.com/
Foundation Class: https://www.billwinston.org/foundatio...
recommendation: https://kit.co/darryllewis
Our Business Information:
Marketing Content Business: https://lbrandcreations.com/
Shalisha Lewis Photography Business: https://shalishaphotography.com/
Wedding Films and Photos: https://dslweddings.com/
Website: https://lewisbio.com/
Lewis Family Facebook Page
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darryllewisjr/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalishalewis/