Photo aired during an apology by host Lee Cruse after he called the DJ “my new favorite”
By Patrice K. Muhammad
Treena Wright-Burnette was the first response to Lee Cruse’s statement that most people saw online.
Updated: Via Twitter around 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 17, WLEX18 General Manager and VP Pat Dalbey said, “Our anchor Lee Cruse exhibited a lack of judgement on air this week, and both WLEX and Lee regret this mistake. The statements expressed were inappropriate and do not reflect who we are as a company. After evaluation of the situation, WLEX has decided to keep Lee of the air next week. “
Originally posted online: May 17, 2019
Treena Wright- Burnette spent her Mother’s Day reading the comments under a video she posted on Facebook.
Concerned and angry, friends and
relatives sent the same video over and over to her inbox and she shared it with
her Urban Conversations radio listeners online.
WLEX-18 talk show host, Lee
Cruse, laughed throughout the video clip of his show “Live with Lee and Hayley” as he described the actions of a British
radio personality who was fired for posting a picture of two parents holding
each hand of a chimpanzee and captioned it, “The Royal baby leaves hospital.”
The bi-racial Duchess of Sussex Meghan, whose mother is Black, gave birth to the most recent royal baby that has captured the attention of many in the States, including Lee’s co-host Hayley who was
“When I first saw it, I was appalled and I thought I must share this with my Urban Conversations radio listeners who follow us on our Facebook page,” explained Treena. “I was born and raised here so I know how the community has supported Lee Cruse. I know the Black community supports him and he just boldly, totally disrespected them on TV.”
Not only did Treena share a clip
from the May 10 TV show, she added her personal commentary at the end and said
there is “zero tolerance for disrespect’’ and said he should apologize.
Lee’s self-proclaimed egregious error and an apology aired on television May 9th and 10th. The apology was posted on the
Urban Conversations Facebook page by a listener and the comments began pouring
Tina Durbin,
who is Caucasian said: Not really an apology … all I heard was “I’m white,
but I’m not a racist.” We know the actuality is … “I’m white, and our systems
are inherently racist and therefore I did not think twice about what I have
learned as a white person of privilege, because I never really had to and I
just see where I stuck my foot in my mouth and was ignorantly racist and I’m
now here to unlearn my white supremacist upbringing.”
An unnamed
Caucasian male commenter said: What’s really a shame is he had to apologize to
the local race hustlers #WannabeSharptons
Lee’s apology left Treena
unsatisfied. “The thing was, he lied throughout the apology. He said he had no