Welcome to today's podcast of Life 360 on Raja Yoga, this is the fifth and last episode of this season. Raj Yoga is one of the four main paths of Hindu thought to achieve happiness.
Raja yoga is the path of mental and physical control. It is also known as Ashtanga yoga, which means the eight limbs of yoga. These eight limbs include Yama (ethical standards), Niyama (self-discipline), Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (transcendence).
The practice of Raja yoga involves the control of the mind and the senses through the eight limbs of yoga. The first two limbs, Yama and Niyama, focus on ethical standards and self-discipline. The next two limbs, Asana and Pranayama, focus on physical postures and breathing techniques to purify the body and prepare the mind for meditation. The following two limbs, Pratyahara and Dharana, involve the withdrawal of the senses and the concentration of the mind on a single object. The final two limbs, Dhyana and Samadhi, involve the practice of meditation and the attainment of a state of transcendence or oneness with the universe.
The practice of Raja yoga can lead to a sense of inner peace and happiness. By controlling the mind and the senses, one can overcome negative emotions such as anger, greed, and jealousy. This can lead to a deeper sense of self-awareness and understanding of oneself and the world around us.
In addition to the eight limbs of yoga, Raja yoga also emphasizes the importance of a Guru or a spiritual teacher. A Guru can provide guidance and support in the practice of Raja yoga and help the student to overcome obstacles on the path to self-realization.
In conclusion, Raja yoga is a path of mental and physical control that can lead to inner peace and happiness. By practicing the eight limbs of yoga and working with a Guru, one can purify the mind, control the senses, and attain a state of transcendence or oneness with the universe.
Thank you for listening to today's podcast on Raja yoga, and we hope that it has provided you with a deeper understanding of this path and its potential for achieving happiness.