What happens when homes are unaffordable for all? "Critics describe homeownership as a Ponzi scheme, 'a massive up-front transfer of wealth from younger people to older people, on the implicit promise that when those young people become old, there will be new young people willing to give them money.' - The Case Against Homeownership (https://twitter.com/TheMarcusGarret/status/1673023720263131143?s=20).
Tom Brickman--who retired at age 39 thanks to his investments in real estate--joins me this week to talk about the pros and cons of renting and owning. Follow him on Twitter https://twitter.com/Thefrugalgay11
Mentioned On This Episode:
- Download your Ultimate Personal Finance Bundle - everything they should have taught you about money in school (but didn't) https://courses.personalfinanceclub.com/bundles/the-ultimate-personal-finance-bundle?ref=a54b9b
For a shoutout on a future episode, leave your voicemails at https://www.speakpipe.com/TheMarcusGarrett - has housing become unaffordable for you - why or why not?
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