A new beginning starts today when you stop feeding the negative cow.
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18–19
Take some time to reflect on the promise of God. Hi-light in red what is negative and discouraging. Highlight in green the promises of God that encourage you to meditate on the good He is doing now, not what the past has done to keep you down. When we ruminate on the past, it’s similar to how cows chew their cud or food. They chew, spit it out, chew, spit it out, and continue over and over. What a nasty thought, however, isn’t it tiring and mentally cluttering to chew and spit and then chew and spit out negative thoughts? God wants to do something new in your life but as long as you meditate and ruminate on the past, you will never have the space needed to allow God to create and fill in all the amazing things in your life
God’s Word can be recycled daily. Use it over and over to create space in your life for peace, joy, and happiness. What you desire is what you become. It’s as easy as one, two, and three. Let’s practice. You just experienced number one, by highlighting in green God’s promises you can easily reference and begin to own His promises for you. Next, rewrite God’s promise on a sticky note or a note card where it becomes visible. Finally, meditate and memorize the promise; in so doing it will occupy the space where the negative thoughts won’t begin to stock-pile like dirty laundry.
Go Green and Recycle God‘s Promises
God’s Word can be recycled daily. Use it over and over to create space in your life for peace, joy, and happiness. What you desire is what you become. It’s as easy as one, two, and three. Let’s practice. You just experienced number one, by highlighting in green God’s promises you can easily reference and begin to own His promises for you. Next, rewrite God’s promise on a sticky note or a note card where it becomes visible. Finally, meditate and memorize the promise; in so doing it will occupy the space where the negative thoughts won’t begin to stock-pile like dirty laundry.
Resources: Lifecoach180 notes and journal pages
Instagram Daily Post for encouragements