Have difficulties writing essays? Agent 00 00 00 7 aka Theresa has got you covered... but let's not begin just yet!
In this episode, Theresa introduces herself and her partners in crime, Jesslyn and Ginnie, while also discussing their experiences with essay writing.
Need further resources? Visit the links below!
Academic Skills Unit guide on tertiary writing: https://services.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/468867/5299-ASU_TertiaryEssayWritingWeb.pdf
School of Culture and Communication essay writing guide: https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/1736346/essay-writing-guide-2018-1.pdf
Theresa Gunarso (IG: @_goofuth & Twitter: @theresagunarso)
Jesslyn Soegito (IG: @jesslynsjs)
Ginnie Leung
Producer: Theresa Gunarso
Music: Double Agent by Everet Almond