We bring back our most popular guest, Coach/AD Duane Orr (@Duane_Orr), for our FIRST LIVE podcast! We are going to discuss 5 Red Flags you need to pay attention to, and how to flip the script on those! You'll be glad you listened. Get your note pad out...
1) Are you having fun?
2) Do you have a prevailing sense of value?
3) Do you have more and more negative feelings about the work you do or environment?
4) Do you have health issues that are being overlooked or creeping up on you?
5) Are you in a Toxic Work environment?
We'd like to thank @nate_albaugh for hosting our live podcast on his website clinic.chiefpigskin.com. Tune in every Wednesday night at 9 PM CST to see our podcast live on his website. It's free to watch. But, also check out his incredible content of coaching resources to make yourself a better coach!