In this final episode of the Fourth Season of the "Life, Love, & Light" podcasts, we examine a method of contemplative prayer that can help us come to a greater awareness of the reality of Christ’s resurrected life that lives within us. I draw on Part Two of our book, "Living Resurrected Lives," which was written by my daughter, Dr. Eva Natanya. Eva is a theologian, a scholar, translator, writer, teacher, spiritual director, and a dedicated contemplative.
As Eva points out, the spiritual logic is simple. If we have any hope of coming to live a resurrected life, we must do our part in developing an ever more intimate relationship with the Lord, the very one in whose resurrected life we wish to share. If we can recognize that all our current problems are ultimately a result of our deep-seated spiritual blindness, then we must gradually learn to see ourselves and each other with "the mind of Christ." If all the negativity that festers within our subconscious and causes us to harm others, even in the slightest way, is a result of our failing to understand how and by whom reality is created in every moment, then we must strive to discover the supreme reason for loving our neighbor as ourselves. And this discovery can only be made in the silent depths of our own hearts.
Thus it is imperative that we learn to meditate in a steady flow in order to gain the capacity to understand something that was always within, but that previously we were unable to recognize: Divine Awareness. And if we wish to break through to this Divine Awareness, to glimpse the true source of all things, then we must make contemplative practice our first priority, every day. With Eva's guidance, we discuss how to create a sacred space for meditation, how to choose a comfortable meditation posture, and most importantly, how to acquire a mind-body equilibrium that is essential if we are to experience the transformative reality of the resurrected Christ. As Eva writes, this is the goal of our lives: "to prepare for what Christ has always been preparing for us. And for which he begs us to be ready."
PLEASE SHARE this essential podcast with your family and friends who may be seeking a spiritual practice that can lead them beyond their pain, suffering, and fear, and offer hope that the divine process of transformation into our resurrected minds and bodies is already happening, here and now. Easter blessings to all!
NOTE: This series of podcasts is based on themes from my award-winning book, "Living Resurrected Lives: What it Means and Why it Matters," co-authored by my daughter, Eva Natanya, PhD (Cascade Books, 2020).