Welcome back!
After a short hiatus we are back with a brand new series!
In this series we will be taking a closer at the International Church of Christ's (ICOC) basic study series. This study series is considered foundational and vital to gaining membership in the ICOC. For many christians in the ICOC these studies are synonymous with the message of the gospel. For many this it the way a person gets saved, going from light to dark, entering into the kingdom, and going to heaven when you die.
We will take a closer look at these studies that are very near and dear to my own heart. When I first joined the ICOC over 20 years ago. I went through a study series very similar to one we will be going through. Though minor things have changed in the last two decades many of the studies remain relatively unchanged. Learning to read my whole bible and read it with better tools have lead me to question many of these studies over the years.
Join me as I go on a journey of deconstruction and let's take a closer look at the ICOC studies. Deconstruction does not have to be scary or depressing. In fact, this has lead me to read a text that is much more alive, with a God that is much bigger, and to live out a faith that is centered and rooted in love.
I am excited to share this journey of deconstruction with all of you, and I am looking forward to some great talks in the future bringing together former and current members of the ICOC for a discussion on the bible study series.