In the midst of a tragedy, once the events have stopped, it becomes prudent that we not react. Once the event has stopped, we must not act. Unlike the demands of those who seek to manipulate the event to their personal benefit, now is not the time for action. Now is the time for reflection. Now is the time to pause. Now is the time to mourn. Now is the time to be thankful for what we have had, to miss what we have lost, and to celebrate what remains.
Once our emotions have settled we will be able to look forward with rational thought to see what, if anything, we need to learn or change as a result. That will come with time, but it will not be in the hours, days, weeks, or likely months after the event. That time will come later, once we are sober and the threat of being compromised by our passions has subsided.
However, the left is trying to seize this moment of pain to create injustice and so it is now that I feel compelled to provide clarity and perspective on this issue.