Meet Naheed Kurji, CEO of Cyclica.
Enhancing Drug Discovery by Harnessing Big Data and Predictive Analytics
Cyclica is a bioinformatics company focused on helping scientists navigate the drug discovery pipeline by assessing the safety and efficacy of drugs. Whether pre-clinical, clinical, or FDA approved, Cyclica can offer novel insight and analysis into drugs’ effects using their in-house, drug-centric and structure-based bioinformatics platform.
Before being named CEO, Naheed joined Cyclica as CFO - a job for which he gave a position at one of the big Canadian banks.
Hear what he has to say about leadership, innovation and why Elon Musk will probably try to solve the problem of human longevity.
Some of the resources he mentions:
White Tiger by Aravind Adiga
The white tiger of this novel is Balram Halwai, a poor Indian villager whose great ambition leads him to the zenith of Indian business culture, the world of the Bangalore entrepreneur.
The Real-Life MBA by Jack and Suzy Welch
Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career
McKinsey Global Institute
The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has been named the number one private-sector think tank in the world in the 2016 Global Go to Think Tank Index Report published on January 26, 2017 by the Think Tank and Civil Society Program at the Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania. This is the second year in a row that MGI has been awarded this top spot in the global ranking.
The Economist
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MaRS Discovery District, Toronto
The Launchpad for Leading Innovators
Startup Health
Entrepreneurs Transforming Healthcare