Light Hearts is a joint project of Tal Minear, Evan Tess Murray, and Caroline Mincks. This episode was written and directed by Evan. Sound design and engineering were by Tal Minear. This episode featured Sawyer Greene as Finn and Alexander Endymion Hernández Díaz as Airam. Janine was voiced by Caroline, Ryan was voiced by Evan, and Kale was voiced by Tal. The song in this episode is titled "Million Things" and is written and performed by Sawyer Greene. The poem in this episode is by Alexander Endymion Hernandez Diaz and Evan Tess Murray. Additional sound effects by Brad Colbroock.
Music in this episode was: early morning highway, sanctuary, hot cocoa, Nimbostratus, interstellar railway, Reading By An Open Window, lazy meadow, Purring In The Sunlight, Cumulus, waking dream, Ocean Song, Moon Song, later gator, BEACH DANCE, and Suburban Garage (Band Practice) by Louie Zong, and Going back home to save your friends by Komiku. Listen to and buy Louie Zong's music on bandcamp here, and find him on twitter @everydaylouie. Listen to and buy Komiku's music here.
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr at lightheartspod, and visit our website at