Our Means 7
What we are doing is unlocking the code of sensitivity as we get to our destination through the means. We must ensure that we are able to create an alignment as we gravitate towards the destination.
Today’s Light
Your alignment is critical to your route as it is to your destination. Without an alignment with the right purpose and destiny, the route might be wrong. Sensitive people do all there is to ensure they are connected to the right people – people who hold the same mindset and focus on the same thing as you do. You cannot ignore godly alignment and end up in your divine destiny. In life, we always have options. There are always two things or more trying to define where we ought to go, how we should get there, the time we should reach and many more. Only the sensitive will know that when what I am in doesn’t align daily with the future I have caught, I ought to paused, look around, ask questions and based on the right judgment move forward. My sensitivity is connected to my growth. The more I give myself to continual development, the better it is for me.
If I fail to exercise faith in the little I have seen, I will not be able to lay hold on the greater dimension coming.
This should be our daily challenge.