As women continue to endure the agonizingly slow pace of pay equality and every other metric relative to money & finance, women over 50 should immediately take a pulse and determine if their current financial strategy supports their desired lifestyle long-term.
Join us for a frank discussion with LaShawn Holland, the “Queen of Green” as she discusses some harsh realities and provides options for every woman to consider as we continue to secure the bag. Let’s be intentional with how we direct our funds towards our goals and our dreams as we age.
About our guest: LaShawne Holland, KNOWN AS THE QUEEN OF GREEN™ is a self-made millionaire and one of the nation’s leading experts on the art of creating financial freedom–no matter your background, race, or present financial situation. Creator of the best-selling book and training program Born To Multiply™, she acts as a Wealthy Life Architect for thousands across the globe. LaShawne is the founder The Wealthy Leaders Institute and Chairman of LaShawne Holland International® (a dba of Holland & Holland Enterprises, LLC), the author of Financial Intimacy, and creator of Wealthy Revolution Live! – an exclusive event for African Americans who want to take control of their destiny and learn wealth creation. She has been featured in over 350 media outlets, including Black Enterprise Magazine, MarketWatch, The Money Show, and Bloomberg Businessweek. She spends all of her time mentoring others and raising her three beautiful children, along with her husband Robert, to build a family dynasty and world legacy.