Hi, ximalaya, this is Lindsay. From 3rd grade, up to 8th grade, students are required to take a New York State exam. It is a standardized test for both ELA and Math, ELA meaning English Language Art. Today we will talk about the ELA test that we just had recently. Different from before, this year the test was done through our chromebooks.
学生都是要被考试的。这个州考呢,其实家长的都不大重视,因为并不计入学年成绩,有几乎1/3家长都决定不让孩子参加。大约学校怕是更重视,看看在纽约州范围内,本校学生水准如何,教学质量如何,可以提供一个可比较的参考。 Chromebooks 是一款便携电脑,谷歌公司的产品,中学之后每个学生都有一个,老师的作业,和学生的交流讨论,以及学校通知等等,都通过它来完成,互联网的使用有严格的限制。这次ELA考试,是第一次采用电脑,考试发生什么了?
The test took 2 days. The first day is all multiple choice based on different passages of writing. The second day was supposed to be short answer questions and eventually an essay at the end. The first day of testing, everything went fine until you tried to submit the test. There was some system error, and it said that test could not be submitted, and to please try again. This happened school-wide and the teachers didn’t know what was happening. We weren’t allowed to close our chromebacks because we’d be signed out completely and lose our progress - we all had to wait for further instructions and sit quietly because, technically since our chromebooks were open, “we were still taking the test.”
Of course no one stayed quiet. We whispered to each other and played rock paper scissors to pass the time. Eventually the principal told us to close our chromebooks and for the teacher overseeing the test to collect the chromebooks.
Rock Paper Scissor, 就是谁都会的,剪刀石头布。
Day 2 of the testing was postponed because of this problem, and we eventually took it two days later. I think they want to make sure that the same problem would not happen again. For the Day 1 test result that can’t be submitted, I guess they figured out how to resolve the problem because we were not asked to redo the test.
Another event I'd like to share is about International night happened in my old elementary school. It’s a little like multicultural expo in middle school but with more food donated by parents. What impressed me was a henna station where volunteers drew on your skin with patterns that you request. Henna is temporary body art using the dyes from a certain plant.
LIndsay 重返小学参加国际夜活动,吃喝之外,还经历了使用海娜粉纹身的印度传统艺术。中学之后还回小学,有什么感受?
I went to International Night along with my friend and we met up with a few friends that I hadn’t talked to in a while since starting middle school. We went to the playground there and played tag, hung out on the swings, and reminisced about our elementary days. It was fun to sit back and relax, refreshing all the memories of my school, and to catch up with some people I hadn’t talked to in quite a bit.