At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus over 2,000 years ago. This momentous occasion was announced by angels, attended by shepherds, and acknowledged by 3 Wise Men who honored Jesus with gifts. In this message from Liquid Church’s Christmas series, The Gift, Pastor Tim Lucas reflects on the symbolic meaning of frankincense, which is one of the three gifts of the wisemen brought to Jesus knowing he would be the great High Priest.
Why bring a baby frankincense? This gift was actually used in the Old Testament days of the Bible to create fragrant incense. Priests would burn frankincense as an offering to God. The sweet-smelling smoke would rise like it was rising up to Heaven, symbolizing the prayers of God's people rising up to God’s throne. It’s a beautiful image that paints a prophetic picture of who Jesus would be: Our great High Priest who intercedes for His people before God the Father. With Jesus as our High Priest, we can now approach the throne of God as holy and blameless, pure in God our Father’s sight.
This holiday season, you may feel unworthy, weak or far from God. However, we pray that you’ll be drawn to worship Jesus, your High Priest, and boldly approach the throne of God because of the great joy of knowing what He did for you.
The Gift | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church
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