Today, continuing in Habakkuk, Pastor Matt drives home the idea that when hardships and wickedness confuse, live by faith in your sovereign God. Habakkuk asks God “How can you let wicked Babylon over run us?”. He states that he knows God is eternal and pure. He knows that Babylon is evil. God responds to Habakkuk by telling Habakkuk to trust Him. God tells Habakkuk to trust Him even when he can’t see the final outcome, and that He will judge the wicked. Even in wickedness God has mercy available, and in suffering or judgement God reigns and works for you. If you are a righteous person, in times of hardship, you are called to live by faith.
God is sovereign over the lives of his people and in his rule of the world
1 God is sovereign over all our of circumstances; 1:1-11
2 The righteous respond with faith; 1:12-2:20
3 The righteous respond with worship; 3:1-19