Hello sweet friends! We missed you!
This week, we chat about the paradox that is worthiness and unworthiness. Our sin and fallen nature makes us rather unworthy, yet the fact that Jesus died for us to redeem us makes us so so worthy of the Father's great love for us, His beloved sons and daughters.
Join us in the conversation as we talk about different areas where we encounter unworthiness and how we can speak some truth into those places of our heart. Also, feel free to pray with this quote from Fulton Sheen, “God loves you despite your unworthiness. It is His love which will make you better, rather than your own betterment which will make Him love you. Often during the day say, "God loves me and He is on my side, by my side.”"
Remember, our worth must lie in Him!
With other news, this is our last podcast of season 1! It has been such a joy and an honor to chat with you all each week and share how the Gardener has been working in our hearts. Being as the three of us are encountering a pretty busy season of life in these next couple weeks, we felt that we were worthy of a break. We will be back though soon with a lot of new stories, wisdom, and laughter! Thank you for your commitment to our podcast, and know of our prayers for you!